Click and Mortar Retail: Handling Logistics for Multichannel Sales

Click and Mortar Retail: Handling Logistics for Multichannel Sales

通过 Nick Bartlett 开启 三月 14, 2024
Our tips on how to handle retail logistics across all your sales channels.

According to Statista, more than 85% of US retail sales in 2023 occurred in a store.

Stats like these seem shocking when you look at the increase in e-commerce sales. However, there are still many large companies that do well selling in-person; stores like Costco, Walmart, Target, and various home improvement stores are hugely popular for in-store shopping. 

The truth is that most consumers shop in multiple channels; in online stores, in apps, on social media, and in-store. If you are not offering a consistent customer experience across all of your sales channels, you are failing your customers — and hurting your brand.

This is one area of sales where logistics plays a crucial role. Having multiple spaces to sell your products is a great idea to attract different types of customers, but it does add an extra challenge when it comes to logistics.

After all, traditional logistics for big box retail stores is very different from e-commerce logistics.

E-commerce logistics adds an entirely new element: last-mile delivery. This on its own can be quite challenging, but managing two different sales channels may prove complicated and messy for retailers without a dedicated team and execution strategy.

As a retailer, you’ll want to create a seamless and consistent experience across all sales channels to make managing your sales channels easy and to give your customers a great shopping experience. With so many different moving parts, how is that possible?

We’ll walk you through how to manage logistics for all your sales channels — read on!

Read About CBIP’s Global 4PL Logistics Services

Components of big-box versus e-commerce logistics

No matter where the goods end up, the journey they take from the supplier will look similar. Everything starts with a supplier, and then ships in bulk cargo shipments. This involves freight forwarders, freight ships or planes, trains, and cargo trucks.

 All this ends up in a warehouse; that’s where things start to branch off.

Where traditional logistics deals with:

  • Large volume
  • Single category
  • Fixed customer orders

E-commerce logistics focuses on:

  • Small batches
  • Multiple categories
  • Scattered customers

Where traditional logistics has a long payment cycle, e-commerce logistics has a short one. Traditional logistics is stable and slow, whereas e-commerce is agile and efficient.

Once your items are stored in bulk, they can either be taken off warehouse shelves to stock a retail store, or they will be sent to a fulfillment center until they’re ordered, picked, and packed.

Some goods leave the warehouse in bulk destined for retail stores, while others are stored in a fulfillment facility to await orders coming in from shopping apps, web stores, and the like. 

This leaves you with a lot of moving parts, and processes that need to happen independently of one another, simultaneously. All these things can happen in tandem seamlessly; it's all about managing the parts in real time with the right technology and capable partners.

Related: How Automation Is Bringing Warehouses Into The Future

Part 1: The Right Technology

You need to make sure you are integrating data from all your sales channels back into one source so your team can process the data effectively.

You need to use an Order Management System that can pull sales data from all channels and third-party service providers, pooling that data on your own central platform. That OMS needs to include two things: An integrated POS system, and an inventory management system that can handle multiple locations.

The integrated POS system

When you are managing in-store locations with online stores, things can get hectic quickly. You don’t want customer experience to drop for customers who are shopping through one avenue while service in the other suffers.

In order to keep things straight, the first thing you need is a great POS system. Using a POS system, you can track inventory and sales info throughout your online and in-store sales, including shopping apps and social media.

The Inventory management system

If you aren’t properly managing your inventory throughout all sales channels, this could lead to stockouts and unpleasant feedback from disappointed customers.

An IMS automated your inventory management, giving you real-time data and analytics on what’s going on with your stock. An IMS can:

  • Use data and KPIs to plan for seasonal or unexpected sales spikes
  • Track products in real-time through multiple channels as they are sold by connecting with the POS system
  • Manage the whole fulfillment process, from picking/packing to the customer's door or retail location

Part 2: A dedicated logistics team

One of the most challenging aspects of multichannel selling is the sheer scale of it all. You either need an experienced in-house team able to oversee logistics throughout your various channels, or you need to hire a logistics partner.

The problem is that you will need a partner who can integrate seamlessly with your POS system. Ideally, you need someone who can oversee the entire supply chain, and who can help you integrate technology throughout so you have total transparency.

CBIP Logistics is that partner. We are not just another 3PL fulfillment provider. Our service as a 4PL spans much further; we design your entire logistics operation, using providers from our worldwide network, and we integrate all the systems throughout your supply chain and POS into one, easy-to-access platform.

With the time and peace of mind you get back, you can really focus on building your business and developing your brand across all your sales channels. Get in touch with us today to find out how CBIP can help you build, connect, and optimize your multichannel sales strategy.


Nick Bartlett

Nick Bartlett is CBIP’s director of sales and marketing. His expertise lies in marketing, supply chain management, and corporate retail experience. He honed his skills over 10+ years working across the Asia Pacific region and beyond.

Nick keeps a close eye on new markets and believes successful business operations come through value-based relationships.









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不,我们不收取与长期存储相关的更高费用。 无论货物在我们的仓库中停留多久,库存存储收取的费用都相同。

是的! 我们可以根据需要存储您的库存并为亚马逊补货,帮助您遵守亚马逊关于包装、标签和运输的严格规则和规定。

我们每周按立方米、平方英尺或每个托盘/货架空间收取存储费用。 这取决于客户的要求,因为一种尺寸并不适合所有人。 如果您安排与我们通话会清楚。


我们提供多种类型的仓库,可根据您的要求量身定制,并且因国家/地区而异,例如 保税仓、普通仓、集装仓、配送中心。

是的,您可以通过使用“登录”功能和访问“B2B”来从我们的平台跟踪它,该“B2B”专用于跟踪您与我们之间的任何货件。 这是一个与一些主要运营商集成的实时平台,因此您可以从这里获得船舶在全球地图上的可见性。

  • 原产地管理:由不可知的 3PL 供应商管理功能支持的数字订单管理和连接的供应商。
  • 货件追踪器:实时跟踪和船舶跟踪,让您知道货物在哪里。
  • 目的地管理:平台管理到配送中心的交付,并在平台上频繁更新。
  • 无纸化处理:我们将文件中心集中在平台上,以便逐个发货。 从这里您可以通过单击获得特定货件的完整文档。


  • 优化其现有运营以提高成本、运营和绩效效率。
  • 扩展他们的 B2C 或 B2B 业务。

是的,我们的咨询服务范围包括完成对现有业务、战略和规划、招标和 征求意见稿(RFP) 开发、供应商选择和过渡以及特殊项目的评估。


Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are any gases that contribute to climate change through the effect of global warming (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and more). As more of these gases are released, the atmosphere traps more heat from the sun every year. This is causing the climate to change. GHGs and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are often used interchangeably with carbon emissions when talking about the climate.

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