

了解为什么我们的 4PL 物流解决方案让我们的客户满意。

Deliveroo APAC

我有幸在 Deliveroo 期间与董事和更广泛的 CBIP 团队一起工作。

在我们一起工作的整个过程中,CBIP 感觉就像是内部供应链团队的延伸。 他们总是在正确的时间解决问题并提供正确的解决方案 - 没有太大或太晚导致我们无法一起解决的问题。

尼克、克里斯和更广泛的 CBIP 团队将永远是我未来任何供应链需求的第一站。



Deliveroo 成立于 2013 年,是一家总部位于英国的食品配送公司。在过去的十年中,随着全球对快速、可靠的食品快递服务的需求不断增加,它们呈指数级扩张。如今,他们在超过 5 个国家/地区开展全球业务。


起初,他们需要一个本地物流解决方案,以便在香港轻松供应餐厅和乘客产品,同时能够将这种相同的模式扩展到 4 个市场(香港、台湾、新加坡和澳大利亚)。


CBIP 与其供应商和平台网络合作,构建了一个定制的物流解决方案,其中包括供应链预测、仓储、履行和骑手和餐厅设备的交付,总共在 6 个不同的供应商中使用相同的技术。


到 2021 年,CBIP 现已进入其第 5 年支持 Deliveroo、包括10,000 多家餐厅和 5,000 名乘客,同时带来区域帐户结构、多个供应商的管理、完全集成的 IT 基础设施、成本和运营效率,可节省 20% + PA。

CGI Federal



CGI Federal 是一家加拿大上市公司,作为CGI 集团的一部分运营。 联邦部门支持所有专门涉及美国政府的 CGI 政府相关举措。


CGI Federal 在全球范围内提供领事服务,尤其在亚洲。 这些服务包括“文件递送服务”,它们为美国签证所需的官方文件提供往返领事馆的运输服务。

鉴于文件的敏感性,CGI 要求区域供应商能够在确保及时、有效服务的同时满足其安全要求。


CBIP 与其区域供应商网络合作构建了一个定制的、高度安全的交付服务,该服务将遵守 CGI 制定的所有要求。其中包括安全要求、特定交付服务级别协议、替代交付方法以及文档处理。


2021 年,CBIP 在亚洲建立了独特的文件交付服务,不仅在香港、越南、台湾和菲律宾 4 个市场提供实体服务,而且提供显著的商业效率,每次交付都实现 100% 的碳抵消,这意味着 CGI 可以 为其客户提供一致和积极的体验。

Rascal & Friends

CBIP 的团队非常适合与之合作。 他们的专业知识、诚实和执行力使我们能够在多个市场和复杂情况下更高效、更准确地运作。

可以向任何寻找物流合作伙伴的人强烈推荐 CBIP。

再次感谢 Nick & Chris 的所有帮助,并期待继续合作。



R&F 于 2018 年推出,已成为新西兰和澳大利亚纸尿裤的家喻户晓的品牌,挑战包括哈吉斯( Huggies)和帮宝适(Pampers)在内的一些世界知名纸尿裤品牌。在成功占领市场后,R&F决定从英国和欧盟开始将其品牌推向世界。


在竞争者已经建立的市场中,R&F 需要快速学习和适应以满足新客户群的要求。在与中国的生产部门合作时,它需要找到一种新的方式来向其不断扩大的国内零售商市场供应产品,而无需使用离岸价 (FOB) 时间表。


CBIP 与 R&F 及其指定的零售合作伙伴 Tesco UK 和荷兰的 AS Watson 合作设计了专门的国内供应链。这使得 R&F 能够在不持有大量库存的情况下在国内供应以满足公司规约。


经过 2 年多的学习,R&F现在是这些零售商货架上的知名品牌,甚至零售商自己现在也看到还有其他创造性的方式来满足他们的要求并与更广泛的国际合作 供应商进一步拓宽其产品和品牌基础。


Case Study 4


For the past couple of years, Lashify’s UK demand has been growing. The costs and lead time associated with fulfilling orders from their existing US operation meant that it was time to set up fulfillment operations in the UK to fill orders more efficiently.

The brand needed help with its UK expansion and universal support for its logistics that could span all of the markets it serves.


High costs and lead times for servicing UK customers from their US fulfillment center meant they needed to expand fulfillment operations into the UK, but they were not sure what taxes and legal restrictions they would be up against, or how to run that side of the business effectively. 

The brand realized they needed to partner up with a logistics provider who could help lead the way and manage the expansion.

Since they were running their own in-house 3PL operation stateside, the beauty company was not experienced in working with outsourced logistics providers. When they started their search for a provider, they were concerned to find that many of the providers they met with felt very "transactionally focused". The brand feared they wouldn't be able to find a provider who could function more as a collaborative partner and provide the personalized support desired for the UK expansion.


CBIP has been able to work collaboratively with them as a partner every step of the way, researching all of the details to ensure success with their new UK operations, and setting up Lashify's UK fulfillment using the UK providers in our network.

CBIP’s model gave Lashify the ideal circumstance of having only one vendor to deal with for logistics throughout their multiple markets. One integration, one POC, and one partner to come to for support on things like supply chain planning, forecasting, and market expansion transitions, on top of transnational e-commerce logistics.


After only a few short months of working together, CBIP has set up local fulfillment operations in the UK, thus cutting customer lead times by 4-5 days and reducing costs by more than 20%.

In the coming months, CBIP is working with Lashify to get more upstream planning & forecasting, up-skill for US operations to optimize fulfillment, and tackle new challenges like optimizing delivery into EU markets. 

Takomo Golf

For us, communication with our logistics provider is really important. Working with CBIP over the past 6 months, communication has been key. Every week, we send hundreds of Slack messages. CBIP is really responsive, and always available for a call if needed.  

Case Study 5


Direct-to-consumer Finnish golf brand Takomo Golf is fairly new to the market, having launched at the height of COVID in 2020. 

With the mission of making golf more accessible to everyone, the company knew they needed global logistics capabilities. Their previous logistics provider helped, but communication was spotty, making troubleshooting difficult.  


Since Takomo launched in 2020, the company has been growing very quickly —  over 1000 percent year over year. Considering the explosive growth rates, the company wanted a logistics partner who could do more than just the bare minimum logistics service.

The challenge is that Takomo is shipping a fairly heavy, large product. Shipping orders destined for the US or Europe out of their Hong Kong fulfillment center is not very efficient.

They wanted a partner who could review pricing on a continuous basis, maintain a consistent line of communication, and get involved with them at the factory level when needed. 


CBIP’s solution for Takomo is threefold: First, facilitate international delivery out of Hong Kong. Second, facilitate core inventory management competencies by helping with inventory forecasting, picking up stock, and regular replenishment. 

The third solution is the long-term strategy. With CBIP as a partner, Takomo will be able to leverage the CBIP logistics network of providers to launch an in-market model abroad.


CBIP is helping Takomo Golf achieve long-term goals, but even in the 6 short months of working together, communication improvements have been immense.

Personalized customer service and communication are a crucial focus in the partnership. On average, CBIP’s response times are less than 4 hours. 

Apart from communication, the partnership has improved the efficiency of replenishment cycles, helping Takomo hold exactly what stock they need and cut unnecessary costs.

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