We Created Our Own Logistics Platform to Bundle All Your Logistics Together In One Place — Here’s Why

We Created Our Own Logistics Platform to Bundle All Your Logistics Together In One Place — Here’s Why

通过 Nick Bartlett 开启 十月 15, 2024
After ten years in the logistics business, we made our own logistics platform. Here's why...

These days, the tools you use largely dictate how successful you will be in logistics. The TMS, WMS, and OMS are all designed to connect hundreds of details pertaining to your logistics and business — details that may be happening at different locations far apart from one another.

Considering that cross-border e-commerce is as high as 73% compared to total e-commerce purchases in some regions, it's important to work with providers across the globe. 

Software like TMS, WMS, and OMS is mainly useful for collecting and creating reports automatically on massive amounts of data on everything happening in your supply chain. That helps you make smarter business decisions.

This software has gotten increasingly popular over the past decade, as an increasing number of e-commerce retailers utilize TMS, OMS, or similar software systems to better understand what is happening in their supply chains.

After 10 years in the logistics game, we at CBIP Logistics are proud to announce that we have crafted our own in-house technology platform, like an OMS with more features and capabilities. 

With the pervasiveness of these types of software, you may wonder why we chose to create our own. 

Read on to find out about our new platform, Bundle: Why we created our own platform, and what makes Bundle special.

Read about CBIP's Adaptable 4PL Logistics Services

Why did we create our own platform?

Nearly ten years ago when we started CBIP Logistics, our goal was not tech development. Rather, we wanted to focus on bringing DTC e-commerce logistics services into a market that was lacking them. 

We focused on building our product and operations, leveraging 3rd-party technology as our centralized platform. 

The goal was to do as much as we could, to provide above-and-beyond value for our clients, and to ensure the viability of our unique model that combines 4PL oversight with 3PL day-to-day management capabilities.

The technology we have used up until now worked well for our needs, but we knew we wanted to build our own product that fits perfectly with the needs of our customers and business model.

Now, we have taken all that we’ve learned in the business over the past decade and used it to build a technology stack that better supports our model.

Related: The Importance of Data for E-Commerce Logistics

How does Bundle support our mission?

When you choose an OMS or other logistics management platform, it's important that it be uniquely tailored to your business needs.

 As a 4PL consultant to our e-commerce clients, one of our most important value-adds is the end-to-end management and connectivity we create for our clients’ supply chains.

That means that we have to take every separate step, logistics asset, and disparate technology used by carriers and the like, and keep track of everything to ensure things run smoothly. Not only do we have to track everything, but we also have to keep our clients informed on everything that is going on in their supply chains.

Logistics is traditionally an incredibly opaque industry, yet expectations have risen for total transparency in recent years. In modern logistics, you need constant data on what’s happening in your supply chain, namely:

  • Real-time tracking data for end customers and business management
  • Alerts for when something goes wrong or when you need to restock
  • ESG data to satisfy government-regulated reporting standards

Supply chain visibility requires constant data inputs from all logistics activities happening throughout a supply chain. As a 4PL, we work with over a hundred logistics suppliers worldwide, and we link them all to our technology platform using API connections. 

That puts us in a unique position to help gather all the data from each supplier and centralize it all into one platform. 

And even though we are logistics people and don’t handle manufacturing, we also are able to coordinate with manufacturers and suppliers, linking them to Bundl to provide a full overview.

With that in mind, we created a tech product to span the entire length of a client’s supply chain, a product that:

  1. Collects data from all partners
  2. Provides tracking info for freight shipments, warehouse location, and last-mile updates
  3. Congregates all invoices in one place to simplify payment
  4. Gives our clients the flexibility to agilely switch to another provider in our network 

How does Bundle help retailers be more agile?

When we are chatting with a potential client, one topic that always comes up is the ways that their current provider is failing to meet their needs. This is really helpful for us because it allows us to see if we can better fill the gaps where their previous provider couldn’t.

When we have those talks, one of the biggest pain points we hear about is a lack of agility and flexibility in their model. Logistics is tough, and it relies on many moving parts going off without a hitch to get it right. 

Of course, it is super common that one or two of those moving parts fail, and you need to be able to think quickly on your feet to solve that problem and get things back on track. If you cannot quickly make changes that will fix issues, optimize slow or inefficient processes, and allow your business to better scale and grow, you’ll lose money and time.

 Our job is to make sure that problems get solved immediately, and contingencies get put into play ASAP to keep things running on schedule. Bundle is there to make that process as smooth as possible.

We built agility into the Bundle product in a few ways:

  • Easy to use, uncomplicated interface
  • Real-time data coming in & making it possible to make changes quickly
  • Data and KPIs at a glance for smarter business decisions 
  • Our entire provider network connected and available for clients

How can you learn more about Bundle?

Bundle is up and running now, so you can reach out to us at CBIP to request a demo from one of our employees. 

If you aren’t ready for a live demo, head over to our website to read a little bit about Bundle on the Bundle product page. 


Nick Bartlett

Nick Bartlett is CBIP’s director of sales and marketing. His expertise lies in marketing, supply chain management, and corporate retail experience. He honed his skills over 10+ years working across the Asia Pacific region and beyond.

Nick keeps a close eye on new markets and believes successful business operations come through value-based relationships.









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不,我们不收取与长期存储相关的更高费用。 无论货物在我们的仓库中停留多久,库存存储收取的费用都相同。

是的! 我们可以根据需要存储您的库存并为亚马逊补货,帮助您遵守亚马逊关于包装、标签和运输的严格规则和规定。

我们每周按立方米、平方英尺或每个托盘/货架空间收取存储费用。 这取决于客户的要求,因为一种尺寸并不适合所有人。 如果您安排与我们通话会清楚。


我们提供多种类型的仓库,可根据您的要求量身定制,并且因国家/地区而异,例如 保税仓、普通仓、集装仓、配送中心。

是的,您可以通过使用“登录”功能和访问“B2B”来从我们的平台跟踪它,该“B2B”专用于跟踪您与我们之间的任何货件。 这是一个与一些主要运营商集成的实时平台,因此您可以从这里获得船舶在全球地图上的可见性。

  • 原产地管理:由不可知的 3PL 供应商管理功能支持的数字订单管理和连接的供应商。
  • 货件追踪器:实时跟踪和船舶跟踪,让您知道货物在哪里。
  • 目的地管理:平台管理到配送中心的交付,并在平台上频繁更新。
  • 无纸化处理:我们将文件中心集中在平台上,以便逐个发货。 从这里您可以通过单击获得特定货件的完整文档。


  • 优化其现有运营以提高成本、运营和绩效效率。
  • 扩展他们的 B2C 或 B2B 业务。

是的,我们的咨询服务范围包括完成对现有业务、战略和规划、招标和 征求意见稿(RFP) 开发、供应商选择和过渡以及特殊项目的评估。


Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are any gases that contribute to climate change through the effect of global warming (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and more). As more of these gases are released, the atmosphere traps more heat from the sun every year. This is causing the climate to change. GHGs and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are often used interchangeably with carbon emissions when talking about the climate.

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