What 4PL Is and How It's Reshaping the World of Logistics

What 4PL Is and How It's Reshaping the World of Logistics

By Nick Bartlett on March 27, 2024
3PL, 4PL...what's the difference? Where did 4PL come from, and why is the 4PL model reshaping logistics as we know it? *Edited 03/27/2024*

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根据 The Insight Partners 的数据,2019 年全球 4PL 市场的收入价值为 564 亿美元。预计到 2027 年将继续增长并达到 789 亿美元(Statista 为 862 亿美元)


就在 2005 年,第四方物流 (4PL) 还只是一个天上掉馅饼的概念,由 IBM 和埃森哲等科技巨头开发,作为其咨询软件的新途径。

阅读关于 CBIP 的全球 4PL 物流服务


但尽管雄心勃勃的索赔和巨额投资涌入,4PL 未能在 2005 年成为现代物流的可行替代方案。 快进到 2021 年,埃森哲和 IBM 距离第四方物流行业还很远

然而,如今越来越多的新提供商使用现代技术来尝试正确地执行 4PL。

4PL 与工业 4.0(也称为第四次工业革命)一起再次兴起,这是 2016 年创造的运动,其特点是:

  • 互连 – 设备和人员可以轻松相互通信的能力。
  • 信息透明度——组织能够从制造过程中的所有点收集大量数据和信息,可用于改进它。
  • 技术协助——利用人工智能和机器学习,根据收集到的大量数据,帮助人类解决问题。
  • 去中心化决策——最近被加密货币流行起来的一个概念。这些系统可以做出决策并执行日常任务。只有在出现异常、干扰或目标冲突的情况下,才会将任务委派给更高级别。

4PL 将上述所有概念应用于物流行业。在运输和履行方面,它可以粗略地与优步或Airbnb相提并论。但是要了解这个概念的开创性,了解它之前的其他类型的物流很重要。


  • 第一方物流 (1PL) 是指企业拥有自己的物流流程(想想农民将自己的产品运往市场)。这些在今天并不常见。
  • 当您今天听到“物流”这个词时,您可能首先想到的是第二方物流 (2PL)。它们是仅提供货物运输的企业,通常拥有一支由卡车、轮船和/或飞机组成的内部车队。
  • 由于供应链更加全球化,第三方物流 (3PL) 在现代市场中变得越来越普遍。它们可以被视为 2PL 豪华版。它们在仓储、IT 解决方案等附加服务之上提供 2PL 的功能,以更好地分析良好的运输路线、报关行等。



很容易混淆 3PL 和 4PL,因为它们都提供基于传统物流模式的服务。然而,两者却大不相同。

虽然 3PL 和 2PL 公司拥有自己的资产,如仓库和运输车队,但它们的服务可能会受到这些资产的限制。


假设一家 3PL 专门通过特定的运输路线将货物从越南运输到德国。但是,也许这家公司必须始终将货物运送到德国的同一个港口,因为他们在该特定港口拥有自己的仓库。

但是,如果运送到德国特定港口的海关成本飙升怎么办?使用这个特定 3PL 的客户将被迫要么承担增加的成本,要么重新开始,寻找新的物流供应商。


随着电子商务不断提高客户对交付速度和透明度的期望,这些选项不再是真正的选项。这就是 4PL 闪耀的地方。

与 3PL 不同,4PL 除了软件之外拥有很少的实际资产。同样,您可以将它们视为物流领域的 Airbnb:它们不拥有其网站上的任何位置,它们只是为您提供市场准入以供您自己选择。

在相同情况下,一个称职的 4PL 可以为您(客户)提供该地区的一长串 3PL 和 2PL 运营商作为替代方案 - 在这些延迟成为问题之前。这使您能够以适合您和您的客户的时间和价格解决问题。

4PLS 让复杂的供应链变得更简单

随着供应链变得越来越复杂,客户不仅仅关心将货物从 A 点运送到 B 点,他们还需要整合来自世界各地的货物。他们还需要考虑新的电子商务概念,例如快速退货。


协调多个国家/地区的 3PL 服务以便所有服务几乎同时到达同一个港口进行装运是一项艰巨的任务——并且可能需要一个完整的内部物流团队才能成功完成。如果您是一个没有运输团队的成长型组织,那么这样的流程可能是不可能的。

通过与 4PL 公司合作,您的企业可以有一个单一的联系点来管理您的供应链,而不是要管理的承运人、运输商和仓库的清单。他们可以代替您的内部运输团队;为您安排和管理合同。

最重要的是,4PL 可以通过向您的供应链添加技术来提高您的运营成本效益。越来越多的 4PL 正在使用 AI 和数据库,让您在库存管理、供应链可视化甚至管理运输集装箱中的包装空间方面具有更高的可见性。


在 CBIP,我们帮助您做正确的 4PL

在 CBIP,我们是一家总部位于亚洲的 4PL 公司,专门提供从东方到西方的全球物流解决方案。


从履行和最后一英里到最先进的物流技术,我们都做到了。与 CBIP 合作意味着您可以访问最强大的联系人,而不必为自己搜索数千家提供商而头疼。

立即联系以获得免费咨询,了解 CBIP 的 4PL 运营如何让您的业务变得更好

About Author

Nick Bartlett

Nick Bartlett is CBIP’s director of sales and marketing. His expertise lies in marketing, supply chain management, and corporate retail experience. He honed his skills over 10+ years working across the Asia Pacific region and beyond.

Nick keeps a close eye on new markets and believes successful business operations come through value-based relationships.


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Every e-commerce brand or seller is a little different. So, the best way for us to provide you with a detailed quote is to fill out our online questionnaire here and from here we can walk you through the various options available to you with CBIP Logistics.

No, we do not charge the higher fee associated with long-term storage. No matter how long the goods remain in our warehouse. They are charged the same rate for inventory storage.

Yes! We can store your inventory and replenish Amazon as necessary, helping you adhere to Amazon’s strict rules and regulations for packaging, labeling and shipping.

We charge for storage by either cubic meter, sqft or per pallet / racking space per week. It depends on the request from the customer as one-size doesn’t fit all. It would be better if you schedule a call with us

We provide a variety of services in the logistics landscape which includes Ocean Freight, Airfreight, Domestic Delivery, Warehouse & Distribution and Customs Clearance & Brokerage.

We offer several types of warehouses that are tailored to your requirements and vary among countries, e.g. Bonded Warehouse, General Warehouse, Consolidated Warehouse and Distribution Center.

Yes, you can track it from our platform by using the “Log In” function and access to “B2B” which is dedicated to track any shipment you have with us. This is a real-time platform which integrates with some major carriers so from here you can get the visibility of vessels on the globe map.

  • Origin Management: digital PO management and connected suppliers supported by agnostic 3PL vendor management capabilities.

  • Shipment Tracker: real time tracking also vessel tracking to let you know where the goods are.

  • Destination Management: platform manage the delivery to Distribution Centre and update frequently on platform.

  • Paperless Handling: we centralize the document hub on the platform for shipment-by-shipment. From here you can get the full documentation of a particular shipment within a click.

We offer the consulting services to enterprises who looking for either:

  • Optimizing their existing operations for cost, operation & performance effectiveness.

  • Scale their B2C or B2B business

Yes, our consulting services range from completing assessments on existing business, strategy & planning, tendering & RFP development, vendor selection and transitions & special projects.

Every business, we have a dedicated Account Manager who is the focal contact point that you can get in touch for daily operation.

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are any gases that contribute to climate change through the effect of global warming (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and more). As more of these gases are released, the atmosphere traps more heat from the sun every year. This is causing the climate to change. GHGs and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are often used interchangeably with carbon emissions when talking about the climate.

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